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Classic Movie Photos - From Pinups To Noir

Hollywood Pinup - Mari Blanchard

Glamour Girl Mari Blanchard

Mari Blanchard surved a childhood bout of polio to become a b-movie knockout. She played an assortment of foxy showgirls, kittenish singers and slinky dancers at Universal during the first half of the fifites. She was the aptly named "Queen Allure" in Abbott and Costello go to Mars. She found her outfits in "Son of Sinbad" too skimpy for her liking, and was soon let go by Universal. She is best known as the medically rendered and calculating bad girl in "She Devil."

Mari Blanchard as Brandy in

Destry (1955)

The characters name was changed from Frenchy to Brandy. She greats the baby-faced Murphy with "Come on, I'll buy you a drink. Wait a minute... are you old enough?"

Tom Destry - Aren't you afraid you'll catch cold?

Brandy - I needed some fresh air.

Tom Destry - You ought to get plenty of it in that outfit.

Mari Blanchard Pinup
Veils of Bagdad (1953)

Mari plays Selima, a lissome dancer in one of Maureen O'Hara's cast off roles.

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