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Classic Movie Photos - From Pinups To Noir

Glamour Girls - Jane Russell

Do Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, or Do They Marry Brunettes?

Wearing one of her more demure outfits from "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes", Jane Russell's glamourous beauty is dramatic highlighted with shadows and light. As Dorothy Shaw, she may not have been the blonde in the film, but she was the star with a higher salary than Marilyn Monroe. They got along fabulously and were supposed to apear together in "How To Be Very Very Popular." Marilyn hated the script and Jane ended up in "Gentlemen Marry Brunettes" where she was sadly under utilized and given a dreadful hair style. Janes best musical number would be "Is Any One Here For Love" in which she accidently falls into the pool but it made the final cut.

Just Two Little Girls From Little Rock

Everyone movie should begin with a bangup number like this.

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